
与人沟通技巧:第一节、Communication Skills

发布日期:2014-06-05 17:43:04   |      阅读:2242 次   |   评论数: 0条

Why do we need effective communication?

a)     It makes us understand one another.

b)    It contributes a lot to the success of tasks that we are performing.

c)     It helps us to progress in our career.

d)    It is a factor in establishing relationships with others.

The tools in communication

1: Effective speaking

It is a clear oral delivery of the message to ensure that information is understand accurately by the receiver.

       Speak with fine SAW.              S-Sounds



a)     A-Sounds

a: Use appropriate voice

-use appropriate volume.

-Use a low-pitched voice.

-Use a moderate speed.

b :Pronounce words accurately

c: Use standard stress and intonation

b) A-Actions

a: Use appropriate eye contact

b: Use appropriate facial expressions

cUse appropriate gestures.

b)    W-Words

a: Keep it short and simple, effective, and specific

b: Use accepted, standard English word and sentences.

c: Put the receiver in context.

d: Be courteous


Active listening

It is an interactive and conscious effort to understand the oral message being communicated.

a)     Focus

b)    Ask/answer

c)     Interest

d)    Repeat
