

发布日期:2018-12-24 17:16:56   |      阅读:2954 次   |   评论数: 0条

      2018年12月19日,CMA Ships Singapore首席运营官 Anna Kossak女士在上海达飞国际船舶管理有限公司船员部副总经理陆林船长陪同下,莅临森海上海公司,代表达飞轮船进行年度审核。经过严谨细致的审核,达飞轮船对森海上海公司各方面工作表示高度认可。在此之前,森海海事服务公司董事长赵玮先生也于本月10日拜访了位于法国马赛的达飞总部,双方就友好合作进行了充分交流,达成重要共识。通过互访和交流,增进了双方的互信和友谊,相信以后在船员派遣和培训方面,两家公司会有更进一步的合作。
On 19th December, 2018, Ms. Anna Kossak, Chief Operating Officer of CMA Ships Singapore, and Captain David Lu, Deputy General Manager of CMA Ships Shanghai visited Singhai to conduct the annual audit on behalf of CMA Ships. After rigorous auditing examination, Ms. Anna and Captain David Lu highly recognized the work done by Singhai. Prior to that, on 10th December, Mr. Terence Zhao, chairman of Singhai Marine Services, visited the headquarters of CMA CGM in Marseilles, France. The two sides exchanged fully on friendly cooperation and reached important consensus on manning partnership. We believe that mutual trust and friendship between the two sides have been enhanced and two companies will further cooperate in the field of crew manning and training in the future.
