根据芬兰交通部官方网站消息以及IMO官方网站消息,9月8日,芬兰正式向IMO秘书长林泽基先生递交了公约加入文书。 这样IMO宣布,芬兰加入该公约后,缔约国船舶吨位总数占比已经达到 35.1441%,缔约国(地区)总数达到了 52个,已经完全满足了触发公约生效的条件(35%,30个国家和地区),这就意味着,公约将在2017年9月8日正式生效。 IMO官网原文如下:“The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) will enter into force on 8 September 2017, marking a landmark step towards halting the spread of invasive aquatic species, which can cause havoc for local ecosystems, affect biodiversity and lead to substantial economic loss. ”“The accession brings the combined tonnage of contracting States to the treaty to 35.1441%, with 52 contracting Parties. The convention stipulates that it will enter into force 12 months after ratification by a minimum of 30 States, representing 35% of world merchant shipping tonnage.”来源:中国船东协会