地中海邮轮(MSC Cruise)总部位于瑞士日内瓦,并在意大利其他主要城市如米兰、威尼斯、热那亚、罗马、巴勒莫、巴里,亚洲区如日本、香港以及全球36个国家开设办事处。极具竞争力的现代化邮轮为旅客提供多种路线及产品选择,并可享受高水平的最具意大利特色的热情服务,被公认为最主要的意大利邮轮公司。地中海邮轮为旅客提供最佳的意大利风格邮轮假期,推出的产品于现代国际标准设施及别树一帜的特色中得到更多支持。地中海邮轮以地中海传统而自豪---并以出色服务及精湛设计而享有名誉,船队在内外装饰设计的创新,获得了国际著名的De Jorio Design建筑设计奖。在船上,地中海邮轮提供融合地中海风味及世界各地佳肴的美食体验。地中海邮轮不断提升其高品质的奢华服务。开创性举措包括设立MSC Aurea Spa水疗美容中心,一个巴厘岛式按摩中心;和只在三艘旗舰邮轮上提供的专属区域——MSC Yacht Club贵宾套房,选择MSC YACHT CLUB的乘客能够享受到“船中船”的奢华专享设施,和24小时私人管家服务的优雅套房及其他特权。
西餐部门:$678-$1148 Above
15 名 Waiters :- Age around 24 or above with good experience and strong knowledge and English communication skills, On board experience or good international brand experience.
10 名 Asst. Waiters :- Good knowledge and experience preferably male candidates due to work profile. English communication
10 名 Buffet Attend:- Good English communication and attitude with experience in good brands.
Asst. Bar Manager酒吧经理助理
1. provide the highest standards of bererage service to guests and all personnel
2. generate maximum profits through cost control and creative, energetic salesmanship
3. fluent in oral and written English
4. proven bar management skills on cruise ship, similar skills in hotel or environment ashore.提供较高的服务,推销饮料,需要英语流利,需要有相关工作经验
5 名 Bar waiter/waitress :- Good English communication and attitude with experience in good brands.
厨房 :$860-$1034
10 名 Asst.cooks/2nd Cook :- Good experience with basic English communication.
6 名 Cruise Ambassadors :- Ideal candidates with 25-30 years of age with on board experience in entertainment department or International Hostess, with some kind of entertainment skills and good English communication.
7 名 Shop attend :- Good personality, English communication and with good brand experience.
5 Photographers :- Professional experience in photography with good English communication skills
Euro(欧元) 3570 wage + bonus ( bonus more o less 700‐
1200 euro)
1669 plus bonus
Suite Attendants/客房服务员
Cabin Steward/客舱服务员
8 month contract/八个月合同; Suite attendants are responsible for all the hard cleaning in the suite (bathroom, bed, balcony, vacuuming, pantry etc.), working with a Butler for 12 suites. 负责整套房间的打扫(包括浴室,床单,阳台,吸尘,餐具等等)需要和一个男服务生一起清理12间套房; Candidates do not need ship experience, so 4 or 5* hotel experience in housekeeping as a room attendant is fine. 可以不需要有穿上经验,但是需要有四五星酒店打扫经验; They must also have good levels of English. 需要有较好的英语; male or female, over 21 years old 男女不限但是年龄需要超过21岁
联系人: 费 迅先生 021-58859799-220 13671639395联系人: 李 双女士 0411-82520082-603 13942625704
联系人: 费 迅先生 021-58859799-220 13671639395联系人: 李 双女士 0411-82520082-603 13942625704邮箱:lishuang@singhai.com.sg